Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

These past several weeks we've enjoyed a number of opportunities to be together and enjoy each other as a family. We celebrated all the DeVries family birthdays in the month of June together with our monthly get together. We all got to go watch Dennae play in a double header up in Windsor, a nearby town that was recently devastated by tornadoes. Maybe you heard about it on the news? We celebrated my 25th high school class reunion; it was great to see that everybody who showed up is serving the Lord with their lives. That was a blessing indeed. We celebrated the 4th of July as a family with a church wide picnic and then fireworks that night in a nearby city, Louisville. Then today, July 5, Monk and I took a hike with Peter Landry and his son, Wil. Peter is the other elder in our church plant. We went to the Royal Arch up above Boulder. Spectacular views of all of Denver. You could say we had a royally good time!

Hope you had a Happy Independence Day! I'm proud to be an American!!

Don't forget the pictures at the bottom of the blog!