Saturday, December 1, 2007

Clay pigeons and Goof balls!

Since the last blog entry, we've begun the holiday season. We enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal out at my Mom and Dad's; it was bittersweet since it will probably be the last one we'll have at the house in which I and my siblings grew up. They have their house on the market and are hoping to downsize within the next year. So, it was a good memory making moment for us. We had the traditional turkey dinner (my favorite part is the crispy skin - help explains my thick girth!) and thoroughly enjoyed everybody's company in the DeVries family. The cousins really love getting together; never a dull moment with our crew. Anyway, I brought my camera, but the battery was dead. Sheesh!

The Monday night before Thanksgiving, Noel and I were given box seats to a Denver Broncos Monday Night Football game versus the Tennessee Titans. The Broncos won; it was Noel's first Bronco game ever. It was great! But, I forgot to bring my camera to capture the moment! Idiot!

I did remember to bring my camera to the 2nd annual Northern Ridge Baptist Church skeet shoot, so there's some pictures of guys taking their best shots at flying clay pigeons. That was a lot of fun even though it was in the mid 20s for a temperature.

The other pictures at the bottom of the page are some goofy candids of Ivy and Dennae trying to be creative and funny! I'll let you be the judge of that!

Hope you all are having a Happy Holiday season and trust you will have a very Merry Christmas! I'm sure I'll update this blog once more before Christmas.

For Christ's sake,


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