Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter and Spring Break

In the past month, not much has changed here in DeVries town. Last week was Spring Break, and everybody enjoyed the time off. Noel's real estate business is keeping her very busy, Ivy's soccer is keeping her very busy, and Michael's baseball is keeping him very busy. Dennae and Jami are keeping busy with friends, schooling and work. I'm staying busy with planting a church. All in all, things are progressing nicely here and we thank you for your prayers for us.

Yesterday morning, we celebrated Easter at my Mom and Dad's house (which hasn't sold yet), and we enjoyed a great brunch, a fun egg/candy hunt and just hanging out as a family. We invited a couple of our Korean families over to give them a small dose of American culture a la DeVries style. Matt and Simone still have a 21-year old German girl living with them for a couple more weeks, and she was there as well. Afterward, we went down to watch Ivy's soccer team lose a game 2-1; Ivy scored the goal for her team. Fun to watch. This coming weekend, Michael will have his first baseball games; it's a tournament down in Littleton.

Please look at the pictures at the bottom of the blog. Let us know what's going on in your lives as well.

Have a great day for Christ's sake,


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