Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jami was 13 and I'm 43!

This past few weeks have seen a few small changes in our family. Dennae got a new puppy that she and Brett and going to watch after and have signed a contract swearing their allegiance to perform all the duties necessary for Denzell's welfare whether he needs food, drink, discipline or if he decides to leave unsightly traces of his presence around the house, yard, etc. The last thing I needed right now in my life is another dog. Angel is old and cranky; she nips at people, dogs and other things she unwittingly bumps into with her diminishing eye sight. She's kind of pathetic at this point; she's 13 years old and I've enjoyed her so much since we got her only a few months old. But she's starting to fade, so I guess a new dog is OK for the family. As far as Denzell is concerned, the new pup, he's actually a pretty neat little dog, a mix of an Australian shepherd and black lab mix. Everybody's really taken to him.

Ivy went to a soccer camp that some of the Colorado Rapids players hosted. She got her picture taken with many of them, and of course, is always thrilled to get those opportunities. She has tryouts for another year of competitive soccer. Her team didn't do so hot this past season so they'll be moving down to a lower league, but they have high hopes and soon making it back to the highest level of competition in the Colorado Youth Soccer Association.

Also, we came across some pictures of Jami when she turned 13 years old a few years ago. I thought you'd all enjoy seeing a few of those. She's changed a lot since then, really blossoming into a fine young lady! Her wit, humor and extremely bright little mind are always keeping me and Noel guessing and looking at each other just wondering where this girl came from. She is quite unique - marches to the beat of her own drum, doesn't really care what others think, is an active apologist for the faith at school with teachers and students - just a lot of fun! Please pray for her.

I turned 43 this past week. I'm enjoying life as much now as I ever have in many ways. God has blessed me richly with a great family, wonderful friends in our church family, a nice house, but most of all, hope for the future, an eternal hope that grows brighter as each day passes!

Don't' forget to look at the pictures at the bottom of this page. Hope you have a great day for Christ's sake, and until the next entry in this little blog, Soli Deo Gloria!



Loretta said...

Denzell! I can see the family resemblance! :)~

Bike Bubba said...

Me too. Happy (late) birthday, pastor!