Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Trip of a Lifetime

We just got back from 2 weeks of vacation! All six of us went to S.Korea to visit Noel's sister and family. Kent is a chaplain in the Army, stationed at Jongsan Garrison in Seoul, and Shawna teaches at an international Christian school. They will be there for another year, and then it's off to another assignment. While we make the difficult adjustment back to Colorado time, we will cherish the memories of our trip for a lifetime. The cousins all got along fabulously, and we got to see places in this world that we would otherwise probably never have a chance to see. We were able to experience a different culture up close and personal; it is a culture that has a lot of good things to teach the Western mind set. All in all, it was a great trip! We will always be indebted to Kent and Shawna and their children for going through the difficult process of hosting a family of six for 2 weeks in their apartment.

Some of the distinct memories from the trip include the following: 1 - preaching, singing and playing during a chapel service on post 2 - traveling to Sockcho and Busan and staying at the beach in some of the best hotels Korea has to offer 3 - morning trips to Starbucks where the four of us sat around and chatted about everything we could possibly think of 4 - watching Jami on stage at a Korean cooking/Taekwondo show 5 - pulling my hamstring at another show where they hauled me up on stage in front of everybody 6 - watching Andrew and Monk launch home runs in the baseball field behind the apartment 7- Jami and Katherine reading and writing books together 8 - Jessica and Dennae becoming buddies 9 - Ivy diligently shopping at the outdoor markets for all her friends back home 10 - eating out every meal (the cooks need a vacation too!) 11 - Korean food at the Korean restaurants 12 - ministering at the Shalom house for handicapped Koreans 13 - dinner with our Korean friends the Ahns and the Uhms 14 - Nathaniel and his computer games...and the list could go on and on. Take some time to look at the pictures below.


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