Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dennae goes down, Jami stays down and Mom and Dad head back down

This week was a general "family week" for us in many ways. It started off with a victorious time of celebration: Dennae was baptized as a believer along with Amy Schrecengost, one of the youth sponsors whom Dennae has grown to love very much. That was a blessing! On Monday, Mom and Dad Dickson headed back down South for home in South Carolina. It is always great to have them visit. Each week, I take one of the 4 children on a "Dad Date"; this week it was Jami's turn. She has longed to learn how to SCUBA dive for quite some time; at this point she wants to major in Marine Biology when she goes to college (that's good since there aren't a ton of places to SCUBA in Colorado!). So we found an introductory course to SCUBA at a local dive shop, and she had an absolute blast. The teacher was very impressed with her water skills; maybe this is in her future? We had a few opportunities to have the cousins over; they all get along really well.

All in all, it was a good week of growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ as a family. Hope you had a great week too for Jesus' sake! Dont' forget to check out the pictures at the bottom of the blog.


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