Saturday, June 9, 2007

A visit from the In-Laws

This past week, Noel's parents came into town from South Carolina for a week long visit. For Noel, that meant lots of time shopping, buying and selling antiques. She and her Mom have been in the antique business for two decades now and enjoy doing that very much. For me, that means a couple of games of golf with Dad DeVries and Dad Dickson. The two Dads are "golfaholics" and go each weekday. I get to get away a couple of times during the week. We actually got to take Michael one day; he did pretty good. Hitting the ball straight and fairly far by the end of the round.

The kids finished their school year, all of them ending on a fairly strong note. While there is always room for improvement, we are very thankful for their growth and for the privilege of being parents of what we believe to be the "best kids in the world" (we would hope that all parents would like to argue with us on that one!). Next year, Dennae will be a Sophomore, Jami a Freshman, Ivy in 7th and Michael in 5th grade. They are growing up fast. The three girls went to the Denver Zoo for a youth activity for our church's teens as well.

This past week, Noel passed her tests to become a licensed real estate agent in the state of Colorado. Congrats!! She passed it on her first attempt; that doesn't happen too often evidently. Ivy tried out and made the "Premier" soccer team again for the Colorado Youth Soccer Association team in our area. And Jami graduated from 8th grade! Yeehaaw!

Another highlight is that Mikah Mae Sickau was born to Mark and Steph (DeVries) Sickau this past week. She is named after Mike and Matt, her two older brothers. We are honored and trust that our namesake will turn out OK in spite of her two Uncles!!!

Hope you had a great week for Christ's sake,


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